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Call Manager

Instructions and how to guide

Whisper profile

When you receive your trueCall Call Manager SIM it is set up with the Whisper Profile.

With Whisper profile trueCall lets through the calls of people you do want to talk to (Allow list callers) and blocks the calls of those you don't (Block list callers). trueCall intercepts all other callers (without your phone ringing) and asks them to say their name - for example:

    “Hello - trueCall is screening our calls. Please say your name after the tone then press hash”

If the caller doesn’t say anything, trueCall will say “Goodbye” and hang up. If the caller does say their name (e.g. “Sally”), then trueCall puts them on hold and rings your phone. When you pick up, trueCall announces the caller:-

“You have a call from - Sally - Press 1 to accept the call, hash to block the caller, or hang up to ask the caller to leave a message. Press star to accept the call and put the caller onto your Allow list.”

Having heard the caller’s name spoken in their own voice, you can now decide how you want to deal with the call

  • if you want to speak to the caller, press ‘1’ on your phone, and trueCall will connect you to the caller
  • if you want to tell the caller to go away and not call you again, press the hash key on your phone ( # ) and then hang up -trueCall will play them the block announcement telling them that you are not interested in their call and their number will be automatically added to your Block list.
  • if you don’t want to speak to the caller, but want trueCall to take a message, just hang up - trueCall will ask the caller to leave a message
  • if you want to speak to the caller, and are happy to receive calls from them in the future, press the star button on your phone - trueCall will connect you to the caller and add the caller’s number to your Allow list

This process is very effective and in trials has been seen to block around 95% of unwanted calls –

  • silent calls and recorded message can't press hash so can’t get through
  • many call centre systems use Answering Machine Detection technology – this hears the announcement, thinks that it’s reached your voicemail so then hangs up
  • most telemarketers terminate the call when they are asked to say their name – they know you won’t accept their call so it makes sense for them to move on
  • most scammers hang up - may be tempted to say their name, but they don’t want their voice to be recorded, and they know that in any case you won’t take their call

You can personalise your Greeting, Whisper and Block announcements by recording them in your own voice using your own choice of words.

If the Whisper Profile doesn't meet your needs you can fully customise your call handling.